Restorative Dentistry

Serving Dental Patients in Barbados, Trinidad & Grenada

“Restorative dentistry in its broadest sense involves the restoration of oral and dental tissues for patients.”  British Society for Restorative Dentistry

Some of our restorative dentistry services include:

  • Fillings
  • Root Canals
  • Dental Implants
  • Bone Graft
  • Implant Retained Over Dentures
  • Periodontal Surgery
  • Dentures
  • TMD Treatment Temporomandibular Disorder also referred to as TMJ

In our consultations, our dental team diagnoses and provides guidance as it relates to managing diseases of the teeth and their supporting structures. Our restorative services are designed to rehabilitate any dental challenges you may be experiencing and to restore your teeth to your aesthetic requirements.

Learn more of each of our services by reviewing the below articles.

Our Dental Team

Cosmetic & General Dentistry